Friday, May 11, 2012

Does Cancer Require Validation?

So does cancer require validation or is the diagnosis itself validation enough?  Since I was diagnosed 6mths ago in November of 2011 I felt this need for validation.  I think my need comes from the treatment I received from certain family members who made me feel as though my cancer wasn't good enough because they knew people who had had Stage 4 and mine was only Stage 2.  I didn't feel my cancer was good enough because I wasn't "actively dying" (exact words of a family member).  Cancer is such a difficult word to hear and to wrap your brain around, but having people belittle you and your diagnosis makes it that much harder.  You start to wonder, am I being unreasonable in my fears?  Am I making more of this than it truly is?  You become afraid to talk to people about your feelings and fears, you learn to answer questions quickly and simply - when someone ask how you are you quickly say "good" and end it there afraid that they too will turn on you like others have.

I was recently invited to a Survivors Dinner for a Relay for Life Walk in a town near by - I ended up not attending because I felt like I didn't deserve the invitation, my cancer was/is in control and all it took was surgery and radiation and now meds.  Because I didn't have chemo and didn't loose my hair, am I not as much of a survivor as those who did, because I am still here and cancer hasn't gotten me am I any less of a cancer patient?

I've now been invited by the same group to be a part of the kick-off Survivors Lap for the Relay and I think (at least for now) that I just might go.  I've talked to so many amazing, supportive people on-line, but I think it's time to talk to and meet people in person to see if I can find the validation I feel I need.

So does cancer require validation or is the diagnosis itself validation enough?  I'm still not sure I have the answer to this question....

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